
Osteoporosis Teaching 522

Patient was instructed on Osteoporosis. It is possible to make a few small changes toward healthier eating habits. For example, simply adding a yogurt as a snack might be enough to meet your milk servings. Adding a sliced banana to your cereal will take care of a fruit serving.

Osteoporosis Teaching 523

Patient was instructed on Osteoporosis. If you find that you rarely eat fruits or vegetables, make it a goal to include a serving or two at each meal. Only

Osteoporosis Teaching 524

Patient was instructed on Osteoporosis. Healthy eating can actually help you lower your risk for disease. To prevent disease it is recommend eating lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat or nonfat dairy products and limiting foods high in salt, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, and added sugar.

Osteoporosis Teaching 506

Patient was instructed on Osteoporosis. As you make changes, continue with your food diary. Set a weekly goal as you add or change what you are eating. For example, this week make it your goal to order a salad instead of french fries, add vegetables to your pizza, or bring a yogurt to work every day.

Osteoporosis Teaching 526

Patient was instructed on Osteoporosis fractures. The hip fractures are most common in older women and often caused by a fall. After a hip fracture, many older people have medical complications such as blood clots, pressure sores, or pneumonia. Compression fractures of the spine can result in back pain, stooped posture, loss of height, and a curved upper back.

Osteoporosis Teaching 527

Patient was instructed on Osteoporosis. After the age of aboutbone thinning is a natural process and cannot be stopped completely. Whether you develop osteoporosis depends on the thickness of your bones early in life, as well as your health, diet, and physical activity later in life.

Osteoporosis Teaching 528

Patient was instructed on Osteoporosis. The thicker your bones, the less likely the bones are to become thin enough to break. Young women in particular need to be aware of their risk for developing osteoporosis and take steps early to slow its progress and prevent complications.

Osteoporosis Teaching 529

Patient was instructed on Osteoporosis. If you eat a diet adequate in calcium and vitamin D and exercise regularly early in life and then continue with these healthy habits, you may be able to delay or avoid osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis Teaching 530

Patient was instructed on Osteoporosis. Don't drink more than 2 alcoholic drinks a day if you are a man, or 1 alcoholic drink a day if you are a woman. Drinking more than this puts you at higher risk for osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis Teaching 531

Patient was instructed on Osteoporosis. Once osteoporosis develops, getting enough calcium and vitamin D, along with other healthy habits, can slow the process and reduce the chances of bones breaking.