Patient was instructed about how to get a balanced diet: choose a variety of nutrient-dense foods and beverages among the basic food groups, balance calories from foods and beverages with physical activity to manage body weight, choose fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains often, eat 2 cups of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables daily (for someone eating 2,000 calories) and other way to get the goals will be explained in next teaching. Further teaching is needed.
Patient was instructed on diabetes complications such as nerves damage (diabetic neuropathy). Nerve damage occurs because excess sugar injures the walls of the tiny blood vessels (capillaries) that nourish the nerves.
Patient was instructed on diabetes complications such as nerves damage (diabetic neuropathy). The symptoms depend on which nerves are affected. Most often, diabetes can cause tingling, numbness, or pain that usually begins at the tips of the toes or fingers.
Patient was instructed on nerve damage as a cause of diabetes. The pain that begins in the extremities, toes and fingers over a period of months or years gradually it spreads upward. If not treated, it is possible to loose all sense of feeling in the affected area.
Patient was instructed on nerve damage as a complication of diabetes. Because of the lost sense of feeling in the extremities it is possible to not feel any discomfort in the feet, and it is also possible to develop sores that can turn into skin ulcers without being aware of it.
Patient was instructed about to tell the doctor about any changes in sensation in the toes, feet, or legs. Speak up if note pain, tingling, a pins-and-needles feeling, numbness, or any other unusual signs - even if it seems trivial to the patient. Further teaching is needed.
Patient was instructed about the skin damage: the skin may be dry and cracked because of high glucose levels, and cracked skin means it's easier for bacteria to get under the skin and harder for infections to heal. Use a small amount of skin lotion daily, to be sure the feet feel dry - not damp or sticky - afterwards. Try not to get the lotion in between the toes. Keep the toenails trimmed and filed smooth to avoid ingrown toenails. Further teaching is needed.
If your big toe slants sharply in toward your other toes, with a big bump on the knuckle of your big toe, you've got a classic bunion. Corns are spots of thick, rough skin, where the tissue builds up on toes constantly barraged by too much rubbing or pressure. A buckled-under toe, called a hammertoe, can result from muscle weakness caused by diabetic nerve damage. All of these make it hard to fit shoes comfortably. But a good podiatrist can help you fix these problems and take better care of your feet.
Patient was instructed on the importance of a good skin care which can prevent most pressure sores (bedsores) which develop in people who have already skin damage, who are mentally confused, who are bed bound or cannot turn side to side.
Patient was instructed on the importance of skin integrity to prevent future complication: Massage reddened skin gently al least 3 or 4 times daily. Keep the skin clean and dry and after use a protective ointment or spray.