
Exercises Teaching 556

Patient was instructed on Passive exercises or ROM exercises. All exercises are done smoothly and gently. Never force, jerk or over-stretch a muscle. This can hurt the muscle or joint instead of helping. Move the joint slowly. This is especially important when having muscle spasms. ROM exercises should never cause pain or go beyond the normal movement of the joint. Stop them if the person feels pain.

Exercises Teaching 577

Patient was instructed on passive range of motion exercises, also called ROM exercises. ROM exercises can be active o passive. Active ROM is done when a person can do the exercises by himself. Active-assisted ROM is done by a person and a helper. Passive ROM exercises are done for a person by a helper. The helper does the ROM because the person cannot do them by himself.

Fire safety Teaching 578

Patient was instructed on measures for fire safety: Store flammable substances in a well-ventilated area. Use candles with caution. Put doors and screens on fire places.

Fire safety Teaching 579

Patient was instructed on measures for fire safety. Always sleep with the bedroom doors closed. This will keep deadly heat and smoke out of the bedroom, giving additional time to escape.

Fire safety Teaching 580

Patient was instructed on tips for fire safety. Keep cooking areas clear of combustibles and wear short or tight-fitting sleeves when cooking. Keep the handles of the pots turned inward so they do not ever-hang the stove. If grease catches fire, carefully slide a lid over the pan and smother the flames, then turn off the burner.

Fire safety Teaching 581

Patient was instructed on tips for fire safety. If an appliance smokes or has an unusual smell, unplug immediately and have it repaired. Replace frayed or cracked electrical cords and don

Fire safety Teaching 582

Patient was instructed on measures for fire safety. If someone gets burned, immediately place the wound under cool water for two minutes. If the burn blisters or chars, see a doctor immediately.

Hurricane Teaching 583

Patient instructed about safety measures during hurricane season. Instructed patient not to use a generator inside the house, carbon monoxide poisoning may occur and it is usually fatal.

Fire safety Teaching 597

Patient was instructed on measures for fire safety: Do not overload circuits. Turn off all appliances before leaving the home. i.e., iron, oven, curling iron etc.... install a smoke detector on each floor and always check batteries.

Fire safety Teaching 598

Patient was instructed on measures for fire safety:Call-Feel a door before opening it (if it