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Nurse Teachings
Diseases Process
Fire safety Teaching 598
Fire safety Teaching 598
Patient was instructed on measures for fire safety:Call-Feel a door before opening it (if it
Fire safety
Other teachings
Patient was instructed on measures for fire safety: Store flammable substances in a well-ventilated...
Patient was instructed on measures for fire safety. Always sleep with the bedroom doors closed. This...
Patient was instructed on tips for fire safety. Keep cooking areas clear of combustibles and wear sh...
Patient was instructed on tips for fire safety. If an appliance smokes or has an unusual smell, unpl...
Patient was instructed on measures for fire safety. If someone gets burned, immediately place the wo...
Patient was instructed on measures for fire safety: Do not overload circuits. Turn off all appliance...
Patient was instructed about the swine flu. Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of...
Patient was instructed on tips for a good personal hygiene. Wear socks. Sweaty feet trapped inside s...
Instructed on some signs/symptoms of cerebrovascular accident (stroke), such as: sudden temporary we...
Instructed on some factors that may increase the risk of developing/exacerbating hypertension, such...