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Teachings for Nurses & Patients

General teaching Teaching 88

Instructed in home ambulation with cane, clear pathways, falls precautions, good lighting, non skid shoes, etc.

Infection Teaching 324

Instructed patient about infection, which is the invasion and multiplication of microorganisms in body tissues.

Leg edema Teaching 558

Patient was instructed on leg edema. Swollen feet and legs, referred to medically as leg edema, occur when fluid is retained in the spaces between body cells. As leg edema typically affects the feet, ankles and lower legs, but can also impact any areas of the body, causing systemic symptoms.

Insulin Teaching 720

Patient was instructed on taking insulin on sick day. There's a good chance blood glucose (sugar) levels will rise when sick or getting sick. That's because the body is sending out hormones to fight whatever bug has invaded the body. Those hormones also make it difficult for the body to use insulin. That's bad, and it can be dangerous.

Hyperglycemia Teaching 755

Patient was instructed on Hyperglycemia. This disease causes high blood sugar levels, especially in the morning before breakfast, in people with diabetes. It occurs when: Hormones produced by the body cause the liver to release large amounts of sugar.

Osteoarthritis Teaching 1172

Taught that using assistive and/or protective devices, as needed, is a measure aimed to preventing/controlling Osteoarthritis.

Cervical Cancer Teaching 1393

The patient was instructed in cervical cancer explaining of type of cancer and the therapeutic or surgical procedures to be performed. Patient Undergoing Surgery, the patient was reviewed avoid coitus and douching for 2 to 6 weeks after surgery, avoid heavy lifting and vigorous activities. Patient Undergoing Cryosurgery/Laser Therapy , the patient was taught that perineal drainage is clear and watery initially progressing to a foul-smelling discharge that contains dead cells, reviewed perineal care and hygiene, recommended need for regular Papanicolaou and pelvic examinations. Patient Undergoing Pelvic Exenteration, the patient was instructed to obtain appropriate supplies for ostomy care, the patient was taught on perineal care explaining the drainage may continue for several month, the patient was reviewed in wound irrigation procedures and application of sanitary pads, avoid prolonged sitting.

Glomerulonephritis Teaching 1447

The patient was instructed in glomerulonephritis in the significance of daily weights, same time, same clothing, after urination and before eating. The patient was advised on finding supplies for home blood pressure checking. The patient was taught to measurement blood pressure and how frequently to do it. The patient was instructed the need to keep good skin care of edematous body areas to stop excoriation and skin breakdown. The patient was instructed in fluid limitations, fluids may be contingent on how much urine is put out.

Intravenous Medication Administration Teaching 1610

One of these complications is infiltration, or fluid leaks into the tissue surrounding the vein. This may be accompanied by swelling, burning, and discomfort. Extravasation occurs when a vesicant drug, such as those used in chemotherapy, leaks into the surrounding tissue, with similar signs and symptoms to infiltration. In this case, however, the vesicant may destroy the surrounding tissue making it extremely important to catch and treat this early.

Midline Teaching 1816

Instructed patient what should you know about 
caring for your midline catheter: Hand washing: Always wash your hands with soap and water before touching the catheter 
or the area around it. Washing your hands will help prevent infection.