Wound Care

Wound Care Teaching 536

Patient was instructed on traumatic wounds. Abrasions are superficial epithelial wounds cause by frictional scarping forces. When extensive, they may be associated with fluid loss. Such wounds should be cleansed to minimize the risk of infection, and superficial foreign bodies should be removed to avoid unsightly

Wound Care Teaching 537

Patient was instructed on wound healing. Healing time depends on a variety of factors, such as wound size and location, pressure on the wound from walking or standing, swelling, circulation, blood glucose levels, wound care, and what is being applied to the wound. Healing may occur within weeks or require several months.

Wound Care Teaching 543

Patient was instructed on another leading type of chronic wounds is pressure ulcers. That occurs when pressure on the tissue is grater than the pressure in capillaries, and thus restricts blood flow into the area. Muscle tissues, which needs more oxygen and nutrients than skin does, show the worst effects from prolonged pressure. As in other chronic ulcers, reperfusion injury damage tissue.

Wound Care Teaching 544

Instructed patient to report to nurse or MD at the first sign or symptom of pressure ulcer formation, for example: redness that remains half an hour after pressure has been removed from area.

Wound Care Teaching 546

Patient was instructed on how to prevent pressure ulcer. A proper skin care is crucial and involves inspecting skin daily and an individualized bathing schedule, using warm (not hot) water and mild soap. Avoid massage over bony prominences and use lubricants if skin is dry.

Wound Care Teaching 565

Patient was instructed on treating painful wounds. Persistent pain associated with non-healing wounds is caused by tissue or nerve damage and is influenced by dressing changes and chronic inflammation. Chronic wounds take long time to heal and patients can suffer from chronic wounds for many years.

Wound Care Teaching 564

Patient was instructed on factors that contribute in chronic wounds as repeated trauma. Repeated physical trauma plays a role in chronic wound formation by continually initiating the inflammatory cascade. The trauma occurs by accident, for example when a leg is repeatedly bumped against a wheelchair rest, or it may be due to intentional acts.

Wound Care Teaching 563

Patient was instructed on factors that may contribute to chronic wounds is old age. The skin of older people is more easily damaged, and older cells do not proliferate as fast and may not have an adequate response to stress in terms of gene up regulation of stress related proteins. In older cells, stress response genes are over expressed when the cell is not stressed, but when it is, the expression of these proteins is not regulated by as much as in younger cells.

Wound Care Teaching 562

Patient was instructed on wounds contributing facts. In addition to poor circulation, neuropathy, and difficulty moving, factors that contribute to chronic wounds include systemic illness, age and repeated trauma.

Wound Care Teaching 554

Patient was instructed on traumatic wounds. Contusions are caused by more extensive tissue trauma after severe blunt or blast trauma. The overlying skin may seem to be intact but later become non-viable. Extensive contusion may lead to infection.