Instructed patient Don't lavage with 0.9% sodium chloride solution during suctioning unless you need to clear a blockage of clots or mucus.
Patient was instructed on proper suctioning technique. To take a deep breath before applying suction to prevent depleting lung from oxygen.
Patient advised to get a morrow and place it near suction machine so in that way he will see how to introduce suction catheter into tracheostomy tube without touching anything and in that way prevent contamination and further RTI.
Instructed that a tracheostomy is used to bypass an upper airway obstruction, prevent aspiration, manage tracheobronchial secretions, or allow for prolonged mechanical ventilation.
Instructed patient to always keep supplies at your patient's bedside for suctioning; tube and stoma care; delivery of oxygen, heat, and humidity; tracheostomy tube replacement; and artificial ventilation.
Instructed patient to begin assessing his tracheostomy by inspecting the stoma site, which is typically slightly larger than the tracheostomy tube.
Instructed patient that when on your assessment findings (coarse breath sounds, noisy breathing, and prolonged expiratory sounds) indicate that your airway needs clearing, suction it using sterile technique. Hyperoxygenate him before and after suctioning and between passes to compensate for suctioning-induced hypoxemia.