Leg edema

Leg edema Teaching 560

Patient was instructed on symptoms of leg edema. If having leg edema feet and legs will initially appear swollen as the day progresses. After a period of time, however, the swelling will set in first thing in the morning and worsen throughout the day. Over time other symptoms will develop: High blood pressure, headaches, increased urination, palpitations, swollen hands and/or wrists, puffy eyes, weight gain.

Leg edema Teaching 561

Patient was instructed on relieving and preventing leg edema. The first line of defense is: leg elevation. Elevate legs above the level of the heart which puts minimal pressure on the back of the knees and thighs and lower back. Other help to decrease swelling is limiting salt intake, drink plenty of water, avoid sitting with the feet dependent. Do not abuse diuretics and laxatives.