
Diabetes Teaching 1226

Instructed on some potential factors of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), such as not using enough insulin or oral diabetes medication, not injecting insulin properly or using expired insulin, not following your diabetes eating plan, being inactive, having an illness or infection and using certain medications, such as steroids.

Diabetes Teaching 1224

Instructed on some signs/symptoms of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), such as: hunger, anxiety and impaired vision, among others.

Diabetes Teaching 1212

Instructed on the importance of always carrying a carbohydrate snack when exercising.

Diabetes Teaching 1214

Instructed on the importance of reporting any foot problems to podiatrist or physician.

Diabetes Teaching 1215

Instructed on the importance of having her/his feet washed daily with warm soap and water; also, instructed on the importance of having them patted dry, especially between toes.

Diabetes Teaching 1216

Instructed on the importance of avoiding going barefooted.

Diabetes Teaching 1217

Instructed on the importance of avoiding exposing feet to extreme temperatures.

Diabetes Teaching 1218

Instructed on some signs/symptoms of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), such as: frequent urination and excessive thirst, among others.

Diabetes Teaching 1220

Instructed on some signs/symptoms of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), such as: nausea and dry, flushed skin, among others.

Diabetes Teaching 1225

Instructed on some potential factors of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), such as: excess food and insufficient insulin, among others.