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Respiratory infection Teaching 2106

SN instructed patient about respiratory infection to drink plenty of fluids ( fever, which may be related to the flu, can cause dehydration ). It is important to maintain hydration. Take acetaminophen ( but do not take aspirin unless your doctor tells ). SN instructed patient to get a flu shot each year and decrease the exposure to the flu.

Bone Marrow Teaching 2354

SN educated patient about Neutropenia. Neutropenia is an abnormally low count of neutrophils, which is a type of white blood cell. Neutrophils are made in the bone marrow, so anything that inhibits or disrupts that process can result in neutropenia. Instructed patient to prevent infection; Promote oral care, Promote hygiene, Prevent skin breakdown, Promote nutrition and ensure food is prepared and stored appropriately. Educated on signs and symptoms of infection; which include fever, Red, swollen, warm, or painful skin areas or wounds, An area of orange, bumpy skin with blisters, Cough, chest pain, or trouble breathing, Burning feeling while you urinate. Patient verbalized understanding.

Urinary Tract Infection Teaching 2416

Instructed patient what is the best thing to do for a urinary tract infection? Drink plenty of water. Water helps to dilute your urine and flush out bacteria.

Tracheostomy Teaching 2516

Instructed patient how can I prevent infections. Keep your mouth clean. Saliva and mucus contain germs that cause infection if they enter your airway. Brush your teeth twice a day. Suction your mouth as needed. Use a mouth wash twice a day or as directed. Take deep breaths and cough 10 times each hour. This will decrease your risk for a lung infection. Take a deep breath and hold it for as long as you can. Let the air out and then cough strongly. Deep breaths help open your airway. You may be given an incentive spirometer to help you take deep breaths. Put the plastic piece in your mouth and take a slow, deep breath, then let the air out and cough. Repeat these steps 10 times every hour.

Tracheostomy Teaching 2517

Instructed patient how do I care for my skin around my trach tube. Clean your skin at least once each day. You may need to clean it more often if you cough up a lot of thick mucus. You may need someone to help you clean your skin. Wash your hands and put on gloves. This will prevent infection. Suction the area around your stoma. This will help remove mucus .Clean your skin around the stoma, clean the tube flanges, change wet or dirty trach ties., place a gauze between your skin and the flanges and check your skin every day for signs of infection. Look for redness or swelling of the skin around your tube. Also look for pus, bleeding, or a rash.

Wound Care Teaching 25

Instructed in management and control such as diet as prescribed by MD, adequate hydration 1000-2000cc 24 hours if not contraindicated, importance of high protein (meat, legumes, eggs, daily), iron and vitamin supplements if indicated.

Wound Care Teaching 27

Instructed in factors that contribute to poor skin integrity such as immobilization, poor circulation, moisture, heat, anemia, shearing forces, poor nutritional status.

Wound Care Teaching 152

Instructed in proper disposal of soiled dressing materials in biohazardous waste container provided.

Wound Care Teaching 158

Instructed to keep dressing clean and dry to prevent growth of bacteria.

Wound Care Teaching 535

Patient was instructed on traumatic wounds. Open wounds may be left heal