heart healthy diet
Wound Care
SN instructed patient on wound care. Keep a clean dressing on your wound, dressings keep out germs and protect the wound from injury.
They also help absorb fluid that drains from the wound and could damage the skin around it. Try to drink six to eight cups of water daily. Hydration is essential for healthy
Instructed patient eat healthy
foods. Getting the right nutrition will help you heal.Lose excess weight. Get plenty of sleep.Ask your provider if it's OK to do gentle stretches or light exercises. This can help improve circulation.
Instructed patient take care of your health. Eat healthy
foods. Getting the right nutrition will help you heal. Lose excess weight.Get plenty of sleep. Ask your provider if it's OK to do gentle stretches or light exercises. This can help improve circulation.
Instructed in management and control such as diet
as prescribed by MD, adequate hydration 1000-2000cc 24 hours if not contraindicated, importance of high protein (meat, legumes, eggs, daily), iron and vitamin supplements if indicated.
SN instructed patient to eat a balanced diet
and drink fluids, increase protein and take vitamins to promote wound healing.
SN instructed patient on wound care. The patient should be sure to have a well-balanced diet
. This include protein, vitamins and iron. Note: using a blender or
chopping food does not change the nutritional value of the food.
SN instructed patient to eat a balanced diet
and drink fluids, eat protein like red and white meat, eggs, beans and take vitamins from vegetables/fruits , to promote wound healing.
Instructed patient fresh fruits and vegetables eaten daily will also supply your body with other nutrients essential to wound healing such as vitamin A, copper and zinc. It may help to supplement your diet
with extra vitamin C. Keep your wound dressed. Wounds heal faster if they are kept warm. 2- Instructed patient getting more sleep can help wounds heal faster eat your vegetables, stay active, don't smoke, keep the wound clean and dressed.