Patient was instructed on traumatic wound
s. Contusions are caused by more extensive tissue trauma after severe blunt or blast trauma. The overlying skin may seem to be intact but later become non-viable. Extensive contusion may lead to infection
Instructed in management and control such as diet as prescribed by MD, adequate hydration 1000-2000cc 24 hours if not contraindicated, importance of high protein (meat, legumes, eggs, daily), iron and vitamin supplements if indicated.
Instructed in factors that contribute to poor skin integrity such as immobilization, poor circulation, moisture, heat, anemia, shearing forces, poor nutritional status.
Instructed in proper disposal of soiled dressing materials in biohazardous waste container provided.
Instructed to keep dressing clean and dry to prevent growth of bacteria.
Patient was instructed on traumatic wound
s. Open wound
s may be left heal
Patient was instructed on another leading type of chronic wound
s is pressure ulcers. That occurs when pressure on the tissue is grater than the pressure in capillaries, and thus restricts blood flow into the area. Muscle tissues, which needs more oxygen and nutrients than skin does, show the worst effects from prolonged pressure. As in other chronic ulcers, reperfusion injury damage tissue.
Instructed patient to report to nurse or MD at the first sign or symptom of pressure ulcer formation, for example: redness that remains half an hour after pressure has been removed from area.
Patient was instructed on how to prevent pressure ulcer. A proper skin care is crucial and involves inspecting skin daily and an individualized bathing schedule, using warm (not hot) water and mild soap. Avoid massage over bony prominences and use lubricants if skin is dry.
Patient was instructed on how to manage pressure that is necessary to avoid future complications. Provide appropriate support surface, repositioning every two hours in bed, off-load heel using pillows or positioning boot, use pillow between legs for side lying.