
Cataract Surgery Teaching 1416

The patient was instructed in cataract surgery need to wear an eye shield at night for 2 to 6 weeks to avoid eye injury, warn that depth perception may be lost and 50% of peripheral vision will be lost because of the eye patch. The patient was advised to avoid falls by turning the head fully to the affected side to view objects. The patient was taught to use up-and-down head movements to judge stairs and oncoming objects and to move slowly. The patient was recommended to wear dark glasses during the day to avoid pupil constriction and glare.

Electrophysiology Study Cardiac Mapping Teaching 1431

The patient was instructed in electrophysiology study cardiac mapping on care of the puncture site. The patient was advised that bruising of and around the insertion site is normal. The patient was instructed in the importance of not smoking or using tobacco products. The patient was taught how to take the pulse for a full minute. The patient was advised the importance of leading a normal, productive life. The patient was instructed to understand what precautions to take at work and at home. The patient was advised the need to identify a health care facility near home and work.

Endoscopy Teaching 1436

The patient was instructed in endoscopy that a sore throat or eructing may continue for 3 days after the practice. The patient was advised throat pills or warm gargles to ease throat pain. The patient was instructed to follow a prescribed diet for the original condition when gag and swallowing reactions coming back, in 2 to 4 hours. The patient was advised to beginning with soft, bland foods until soreness decreases.

Enucleation Teaching 1437

The patient was instructed in enucleation explaining the importance of not rubbing, touching, or bounding the orbit or wearing eye makeup. The patient was taught in cleaning the lid and shows how to remove drainage by gently sweeping the cotton ball from the inner to the outer. The patient was instructed in the care of the eye socket how insert and remove if used. The patient was advised to wear an eye protection or patch to keep the socket clean until the prosthesis is fixed. The patient was instructed the need to protect the vision in the lasting eye. The patient was advised in the importance of good handwashing before managing ophthalmic medications. The patient was advised that with the loss of one eye, the field of vision is limited and profundity perception changes need to overstress head movements to achieve a full visual field. The patient was advised using caution during activities until patient adjusts to the loss.

Fixator Devices Teaching 1438

The patient was instructed in fixator devices external fixator on pin and fixator care, wash fixator with sterile water and cover each pin head with plug or rubber tip to prevent injury. The patient who has gone through external fixation was reviewed in stress the need to increase movements and weight manner slowly to reduce tenderness and to permit muscles to recover strength. The patient was advised do not use the external fixator as a handle or support for the extremity but to support the extremity with pillows, two hands, or a sling to prevent excessive stress on the pins. The patient was advised to elevate the extremity when sitting or lying down. The patient was recommended of not changing or adjusting the fixator’s bars, since this can cause misalignment. The patient was explained that showering is permitted but that swimming should be evaded because chlorine and salt can corrode metal.

Internal Fixator Teaching 1439

The patient was instructed in fixator devices internal fixator positions a risk for refracture and analysis preventive actions, care in support walking, and no weight manner in anticipation of well-ordered by the doctor. The patient was advised that some nails or large plates may be removed in a year.

Fractures Teaching 1440

The patient was instructed in fractures in stress the importance of turning and moving frequently to evade skin breakdown. The patient was advised to handle hurt tissues softly by supporting the joint above and below the location. The patient was explained in how to wound care. The patient was recommended to elevate the extremity and apply ice bags. The patient was instructed in the use of ambulatory aids, crutch walking, cane, and walker. The patient was explained in the importance of range-of-motion exercises to maintain function of natural joints. The patient was taught in exercises to maintain strength and facilitate resolve of inflammation.

Gastrectomy Teaching 1443

The patient was instructed in gastrectomy indicating good wound management, dressing changes, process, regularity, and check of skin. The patient was advised in obtaining appropriate devices, such as ostomy appliances, sterile dressings, and tube feedings and feeding pump. The patient was explained in characteristic relief of abandoning syndrome. The patient was advised to plan a low-carbohydrate, high-fat, high-protein diet. The patient was taught to eat small, frequent meals and to avoid taking liquids with meals. The patient was recommended to adopt a reclining position after meals.

Grastostomy Teaching 1444

The patient was instructed in gastrostomy indicating the training and management of tube feedings, including quantity and regularity. The patient was advised to sit upright during feeding and for 1 hour after feeding to prevent reflux into the esophagus or backflow into the gastrostomy tube. The patient was explained to take care of the gastrostomy tube. The patient was taught that the tube may eventually be removed and inserted only for feeding. The patient was taught to protect the stoma with a small gauze pad.

Hemorrhoidectomy Teaching 1457

The patient was instructed in hemorrhoidectomy the necessity to use rectal packing or perianal dressings. The patient was instructed to get appropriate supplies like dressings and perineal pads to protect clothing from post-operative discharge. The patient was advised to sit on thick foam pillows or pads. The patient was encouraged the importance of perianal hygiene at all times. The patient was encouraged that proper hygiene helps prevent infection. The patient was instructed to wipe moderately after a bowel movement.