SN instructed patient on ways to prevent Urinary tract infection ( UTI ). Cranberry juice contains active compounds that are able to survive the digestive process. In the urinary tract system, these compounds actively work to fight bacteria. Its effectiveness at treating urinary tract infections has been proven, and regularly consuming cranberry juice can help prevent them. You don’t have to choose straight cranberry juice, it can be blended with apple juice or even water for taste without losing its effectiveness. Water helps to keep the system flushed out, preventing bacteria from accumulating and causing problems. Cranberry juice or cranberry juice cocktails should be offered on a regular basis and water intake should be tracked daily to ensure the patients are consuming enough water. Never Force yourself and wait - when you need to go the bathroom, your needs should be tended to immediately. Do not, under any circumstances, wait for a long period of time. Holding a full bladder for long periods of time can quickly lead to a urinary tract infection. Patient / caregiver verbalized understanding.
Instructed to don't take medications unless you understand instructions for using them safely.
Instructed caregiver how to prevent Pressure Ulcers for Bed bound patients: Protect the Skin patient from injury - Avoid massaging the skin on bony parts of the patient body. Limit pressure on bony areas by changing positions frequently. If the patient in a bed, preferably every 2 hours.
Partient is unable for diabetic care due to multiples functional limitation such as poor vision, poor eyes/ hand coordination. No caregiver available at this time.
SN assessment done on all body systems. Checked blood sugar daily monitoring on patient's log book, hydration, dietary, and medication compliance. Instructed patient on keeping blood glucose within normal range and preventing the development of long-term complication. Careful monitoring of diet, exercise and blood sugar levels are as important as the use of oral medications in preventing complications of diabetes. Also taught infection control, safety/fall precautions and preventions, and to contact MD for any emergency and/or medical concerns and changes.
SN complete assessment done on all body systems, checked vital signs, blood sugar monitoring, hydration, nutrition intake, and medication compliance. SN refilled patient’s medication box for daily routine. Taught patient to carefully manage her blood sugar with diet, physical activity, and medication to prevent diabetes complication and avoid hypo/hyperglycemia.
Instructed patient a clean, dry work area should be identified to complete medication preparations and perform dressing changes.
Patient was given teaching on good body mechanics to avoid injury such as: keep your back straight as you walk and also when lifting making sure to never bend at the waist. If sitting put a pillow or rolled towel to support your lower back.
Instructed caregiver clean patient's skin daily: Clean the patient's skin around your tube 1 to 2 times each day.
SN instructed patient in energy conservation techniques that are ways to modify activities to prevent exhaustion, also explain that using these strategies to do the things you have to do may help you to have energy left over to do the things you want to do.