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Nurse Teachings
Diseases Process
Diseases Process
Flu Teaching 387
Flu Teaching 387
Instructed patient to get a flu shot each year and decrease the exposure to the flu.
Diseases Process
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Instructed patient to get a flu shot each year and decrease the exposure to the flu. Avoiding the fl...
Instructed to call your health-care provider inmediately if you have unpleasant or unusual reactions...
Instructed patient on never walking barefoot to prevent cuts and burns and also to wear sleepers at...
Instructed patient not to pile up items on the floor, stairway or pathways between rooms....
Patient was instructed on pain management. Pain is an unpleasant sensation that is caused by actual...
Instructed on the importance of using adjunctive equipment (e.g., cane) as a measure aimed to reduci...
Instructed on some signs/symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), such as: increased fatigue and...
The patient was advised on factors that initiate asthmatic attacks (food, pollens, animals, dust, we...
Instructed caregiver include ensuring that the tracheotomy tube is securely in place and is patent....
RN instructed patient and caregiver on hypertensive urgency which is a situation where the blood pre...