Patient instructed on stress avoidance techniques such as: listening to relaxing music, meditation, distracting oneself from the stressor/s, and to engage in immersive yet relaxing activities.
Patient was instructed on how stress can affect blood sugar. Stress can affect blood sugar in two ways: when under heavy stress, it is easy to abandon the usual routine, eating fewer healthy foods, in that sense, stress indirectly causes the blood sugar to rise.
Patient was instructed on stress. When stress occurs the body prepares to take action. In people who have diabetes this response does not work well. Insulin is not always able to let the extra energy into cells, so glucose piles up in the blood.
Patient was instructed on how stress can affect blood sugar. One way stress affect blood sugar and having a direct effect on it, is as with the stress of a physical illness, prolonged or excessive stress can cause the body to produce hormones that prevent insulin from working properly. That, in turn, increases the blood sugar levels.
Patient was instructed on stress. Stress results when something causes the body to behave as if it were under attack. Sources of stress can be physical like injury or illness or they can be mental, like finances problems, health problems.
Patient was instructed on stress. In people with diabetes stress can alter blood glucose levels. To prevent stress form getting the best of the blood sugar get the stress under control by eating a healthy diet, getting adequate sleep, taking part in regular activity and learning relaxation techniques.