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Bactroban Teaching 108

Instructed in new medication Bactroban to manage wound care. In addition, warned of possible S/E such as headache, rhinitis, pharyngitis, burning or stinging with intranasal use, taste perversion, upper respiratory tract congestion, cough with intranasal use, burning pruritis, stinging, rash, pain, and erythema with topical use. Instructed to notify prescriber immediately if no improvement occurs in 3 to 5 days or if condition worsens. Advised not to use other nasal products with Bactroban. Warned patient about local adverse reactions related to drug use. Advised not to use cosmetics or other skin products on treated area.

Wound Care Teaching 152

Instructed in proper disposal of soiled dressing materials in biohazardous waste container provided.

Wound Care Teaching 158

Instructed to keep dressing clean and dry to prevent growth of bacteria.

Wound Care Teaching 535

Patient was instructed on traumatic wounds. Open wounds may be left heal

Wound Care Teaching 543

Patient was instructed on another leading type of chronic wounds is pressure ulcers. That occurs when pressure on the tissue is grater than the pressure in capillaries, and thus restricts blood flow into the area. Muscle tissues, which needs more oxygen and nutrients than skin does, show the worst effects from prolonged pressure. As in other chronic ulcers, reperfusion injury damage tissue.

Wound Care Teaching 544

Instructed patient to report to nurse or MD at the first sign or symptom of pressure ulcer formation, for example: redness that remains half an hour after pressure has been removed from area.

Wound Care Teaching 546

Patient was instructed on how to prevent pressure ulcer. A proper skin care is crucial and involves inspecting skin daily and an individualized bathing schedule, using warm (not hot) water and mild soap. Avoid massage over bony prominences and use lubricants if skin is dry.

Wound Care Teaching 547

Patient was instructed on how to manage pressure that is necessary to avoid future complications. Provide appropriate support surface, repositioning every two hours in bed, off-load heel using pillows or positioning boot, use pillow between legs for side lying.

Wound Care Teaching 548

Patient was instructed on what to avoid in presence of ulcers. Friction and shear need to be reduced. Friction is the mechanical force exerted when skin is dragged against a coarse surface while shear is the mechanical force caused by the interplay of gravity and friction.

Wound Care Teaching 549

Patient was instructed how to reduce friction and shear. Use draw sheet for repositioning, encourage use of trapeze if possible, keep head of bed elevated (if tolerated), elevate foot of bed slightly (if condition permits), use pillow or wedge to support hip (side lying, lateral position), utilize lifts and transfer devices.