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Search results for: wound care 

Appendectomy Teaching 1389

Taught the patient how to care of wound and dressing changes. The patient was instructed to care for drains if he/she was discharged with them. The patient was advised to avoid lifting anything over 10 pounds for the first 6 weeks.

Wound Care Teaching 1561

Instructed patient consider nutritional supplementation/support for nutritionally 
consistent with overall goals of care.

Wound Care Teaching 1562

Instructed patient reposition bed-bound persons at least every two hours and chair-bound persons every hour consistent
with overall goals of care.

Wound Care Teaching 1808

Instructed caregiver inspect patient's feet every day—especially the sole and between the toes—for cuts, bruises, cracks, blisters, redness, ulcers, and any sign of abnormality. Each time you visit a health-care provider, remove your shoes and socks so your feet can be examined. Any problems that are discovered should be reported to patient's podiatrist as soon as possible; no matter how simple they may seem to you.

Wound Care Teaching 2589

Instructed patient take care of your health. Eat healthy foods. Getting the right nutrition will help you heal. Lose excess weight.Get plenty of sleep. Ask your provider if it's OK to do gentle stretches or light exercises. This can help improve circulation.

Wound Care Teaching 25

Instructed in management and control such as diet as prescribed by MD, adequate hydration 1000-2000cc 24 hours if not contraindicated, importance of high protein (meat, legumes, eggs, daily), iron and vitamin supplements if indicated.

Wound Care Teaching 27

Instructed in factors that contribute to poor skin integrity such as immobilization, poor circulation, moisture, heat, anemia, shearing forces, poor nutritional status.

Bactroban Teaching 108

Instructed in new medication Bactroban to manage wound care. In addition, warned of possible S/E such as headache, rhinitis, pharyngitis, burning or stinging with intranasal use, taste perversion, upper respiratory tract congestion, cough with intranasal use, burning pruritis, stinging, rash, pain, and erythema with topical use. Instructed to notify prescriber immediately if no improvement occurs in 3 to 5 days or if condition worsens. Advised not to use other nasal products with Bactroban. Warned patient about local adverse reactions related to drug use. Advised not to use cosmetics or other skin products on treated area.

Wound Care Teaching 149

Instructed in factors that affect healing, such as, age, disease, nutrition, and infection.

Wound Care Teaching 152

Instructed in proper disposal of soiled dressing materials in biohazardous waste container provided.