Instructed patient check the wound
for increased redness, swelling, or a bad odor. Patient should pay attention to the color and amount of drainage from your wound
. Look for drainage that has become
darker or thicker.
Patient was instructed on leg wound
's use direct pressure and elevation to control bleeding and swelling. When wrapping the wound
, always use a sterile dressing or bandage. Very minor wound
s may heal without a bandage.
Patient was instructed on eliminate or minimize pain of wound
. Address the cause (remove the source if external, treat the infection
or medicate based on physiological stimulus), pharmacological strategies
SN instructed patient to always assess wound
dry sterile dressing when removed for any symptoms / signs of infection
, such as increase drainage amount, any odor, drainage color, etc . Check your temperature once or twice a day. Report any fever or increase pain.
Instructed to contact physician inmediately if uncontrolled bleeding or excruciating pain occurs at wound
Instructed in management and control of wound
through activity such as frequent rest periods, no overexertion, no lifting, bending or stooping. Passive and active exercises to increase vascular tone. Elevate affected extremity to promote venous return. Give pain medication, if prescribed, 30 minutes prior to any activity.
Instructed to keep pressure off wound
area to promote circulation which is essential to healing.
Instructed in need for proper nutrition to promote wound
healing, including foods high in Vitamin C and protein.
Instructed in S/S of complications which require need for medical intervention, including redness, increase or change in drainage, heat at the wound
site, fever, bleedind or increased pain.
Instructed in overall dressing change technique, and observed SN during wound