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Hypertension Teaching 130

Instructed in measures to control hypertension such as control stress, decrease cholesterol and sodium diet, take medication exactly as prescribed, etc.

Hypertension Teaching 295

Instructed patient on measures to control hypertension, such as, control stress, decrease cholesterol and sodium in the diet, take medication exactly as prescribed, etc.

Hypertension Teaching 496

Patient was instructed on hypertension. People who have high blood pressure are encouraged to make lifestyle changes and stick with them for the rest of their life to reduce their blood pressure. Lifestyle changes such as eating a low-fat diet, quitting smoking, and exercising will help reduce blood pressure.

Hypertension Teaching 1970

SN instructed patient about some measures aimed to managing & controlling hypertension, such as: eating low sodium diet , increase more fruits to increase your potassium, walk daily for 30 minutes, and have regular check-ups, as directed by Physician.

Hypertension Teaching 493

Patient was instructed on hypertension. Decrease blood flow to certain organs in the body can cause damage leading to coronary artery disease, heart attack, and abnormal heartbeat, stroke, kidney (renal) failure, peripheral arterial disease, eye damage (retinopathy).

Hypertension Teaching 495

Patient was instructed on hypertension. Callor other emergency services immediately if having any of the following symptoms: a sudden, severe headache, chest pain (angina), other symptoms of heart attack, symptoms of a stroke.

Hypertension Teaching 866

Taught that lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks and kidney problems.

Hypertension Teaching 868

Instructed on the importance of avoiding/decreasing sodium intake in order to decrease retention of fluid and the workload of the heart.

Hypertension Teaching 869

Taught that reducing cholesterol and triglycerides help prevent strokes and heart attacks.

Hypertension Teaching 1206

Instructed on some measures aimed to managing/controlling hypertension, such as: decrease sodium intake to decrease retention of fluid and the workload of the heart, among others.