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Hyperglycemia Teaching 744

Patient was instructed on Hyperglycemia. Frequent hunger without other symptoms can also indicate that blood sugar levels are too low. This may occur when people who have diabetes take too much oral hypoglycemic medication or insulin for the amount of food they eat.

Hyperglycemia Teaching 767

Patient was instructed on Hyperglycemia why blood sugar rise: The most common culprits flu or infection, emotional stress, such include, eating too much, exercising less that planned to, physical stress, such as a cold, the as family conflict, forgetting to take the medication.

Hyperglycemia Teaching 815

Patient was instructed on prevention to avoid hyperglycemia: take the medication as directed. Eat less. Sometimes it helps to eat less and avoid sugary beverages. Responding in changes in blood sugar can help in the prevention of long-term complications of diabetes.