wound healing
The patient was instructed in craniotomy in proper wound
management and dressing changes, procedure, frequency of dressing change, and inspection of incision with each dressing change. The patient was advised to avoid scratching sutures and to keep the incision dry. The patient was advised that hair may be shampooed when the sutures are removed but to avoid scrubbing around the suture line. The patient was recommended to avoid using hair dryer until the hair grows back. The patient was taught to avoid extreme hot and cold temperatures of the lower extremities because of possible sensory nerve loss. The patient was instructed to avoid straining during defecation and to avoid constipation through the use of prescribed stool softeners and laxatives. The patient was advised to avoid coughing, sneezing, and nose blowing; if inevitable they must be done with an open mouth to control intracranial pressure.
The patient was instructed in craniectomy in proper wound
management and dressing changes, procedure, frequency of dressing change, and inspection of incision with each dressing change. The patient was advised to avoid scratching sutures and to keep the incision dry. The patient was advised that hair may be shampooed when the sutures are removed but to avoid scrubbing around the suture line. The patient was recommended to avoid using hair dryer until the hair grows back. The patient was taught to avoid extreme hot and cold temperatures of the lower extremities because of possible sensory nerve loss. The patient was instructed to avoid straining during defecation and to avoid constipation through the use of prescribed stool softeners and laxatives. The patient was advised to avoid coughing, sneezing, and nose blowing; if inevitable they must be done with an open mouth to control intracranial pressure.
The patient was instructed in fractures in stress the importance of turning and moving frequently to evade skin breakdown. The patient was advised to handle hurt tissues softly by supporting the joint above and below the location. The patient was explained in how to wound
care. The patient was recommended to elevate the extremity and apply ice bags. The patient was instructed in the use of ambulatory aids, crutch walking, cane, and walker. The patient was explained in the importance of range-of-motion exercises to maintain function of natural joints. The patient was taught in exercises to maintain strength and facilitate resolve of inflammation.
The patient was instructed in gangrene and after removed damaged tissue checks the wound
daily, use aseptic method. The patient was advised the need for rest to conserve energy, promote curative, and reduce stress on involved tissues. The patient was explained of immobilizing the affected extremity to decrease the spread of infected drainage. The patient was advised in range-of-motion exercises to maintain strength of muscles and joints and to avoid atrophy of tissues. The patient was taught in the use of ambulatory aids when is permitted out of bed.
The patient was instructed in gastrectomy indicating good wound
management, dressing changes, process, regularity, and check of skin. The patient was advised in obtaining appropriate devices, such as ostomy appliances, sterile dressings, and tube feedings and feeding pump. The patient was explained in characteristic relief of abandoning syndrome. The patient was advised to plan a low-carbohydrate, high-fat, high-protein diet. The patient was taught to eat small, frequent meals and to avoid taking liquids with meals. The patient was recommended to adopt a reclining position after meals.
The patient was instructed in head trauma in the importance of the wound
/incision care in any laceration or medical cut. The patient was advised that possible remaining effects like dizziness, headaches, memory loss can be continue for up to 3 to 4 months after trauma. The patient was reviewed that may experience variations in character, inappropriate social behavior, hallucinations. The patient was taught in finding assistive devices for ambulation. The patient was reviewed in concussion to evade Valsalva maneuvers like pulling during defecation, coughing, nose blowing, sneezing.
The patient was instructed in lymphoma malignant in the importance of evading wound
and pain which can cause hurting and bleeding. The patient was advised to evading large multitudes and persons supposed of having an active infection. The patient was recommended to follow the chemotherapy routine.
The patient was instructed in orchiectomy the importance of caring the surgical wound
and dressing changes, dressing can be located over the incision and seized by the scrotal support.
The patient was instructed in osteomyelitis in the necessity of wound
care using aseptic method for dressing changes. The patient was advised to care of a casted extremity. The patient was reviewed to care for external fixator device. The patient was recommended how to use and care for the Hickman catheter for home antibiotic therapy. The patient was encouraged in the importance of immobilizing the affected part to reduction the spread of infected material.
The patient was instructed in percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), intracoronaru stenting that a band-aid over the wound
site may be changed and may not be needed after a day or two. The patient was taught that if bleeding does occur at the groin site compression should be applied immediately.