wound care
Instructed to keep pressure off wound
area to promote circulation which is essential to healing.
Instructed in need for proper nutrition to promote wound
healing, including foods high in Vitamin C and protein.
Instructed in S/S of complications which require need for medical intervention, including redness, increase or change in drainage, heat at the wound
site, fever, bleedind or increased pain.
Patient was instructed on adequate nutrition and hydration to minimize wound
development. Encourage protein, calorie-dense foods and fluids (unless contraindicated), monitor intake, weight and skin turgor, assess and address impairments in dentition and swallowing.
Patient was instructed on eliminate or minimize pain of wound
. Address the cause (remove the source if external, treat the infection or medicate based on physiological stimulus), pharmacological strategies
Patient was instructed on factors that contribute in chronic wound
s as repeated trauma. Repeated physical trauma plays a role in chronic wound
formation by continually initiating the inflammatory cascade. The trauma occurs by accident, for example when a leg is repeatedly bumped against a wheelchair rest, or it may be due to intentional acts.
SN instructed patient to eat a balanced diet and drink fluids, increase protein and take vitamins to promote wound
Instruct the patient in care
of the incisional wound
, reviewing signs of wound
infection and thrombus formation in the implant replacement of the aortic valve.
The patient was instructed in diverticulosis and diverticulitis obtaining appropriate supplies, such as sterile dressings or ostomy devices. The patient was taught in proper wound care
or stoma management and dressing changes, procedure, frequency, and wound
stoma or stoma inspection. The patient was advised to take hydrophilic colloid laxatives. The patient was instructed that baths or showers may be taken when drains or sutures are removed.
Instructed care
giver that treatment includes proper positioning, always avoid placing any weight
or pressure on the wound