wound infection
The patient was instructed in chest trauma flail chest how to splint the chest when coughing to avoid pain. The patient was encouraged to review upper respiratory infection
, shortness of breath, persistent cough, and persistent chest pain.
control measures and proper hand washing techniques. Hand washing has to be done to prevent the growth of microorganisms on the nails, hands, and forearms. When hands are visibly dirty or contaminated with proteinaceous material or are visibly soiled with blood or other body fluids, wash hands with soap and water, if hands are not visibly soiled, use an alcohol-based hand rub for routinely decontaminating hands. Wash hands before eating and after using a restroom. Wash hands for at least 15 seconds, covering all surfaces of the hands and fingers, rinse hands with water and dry thoroughly with a disposable towel, use towel to turn off the faucet, use hand lotions or creams to minimize the occurrence of irritant contact dermatitis associated with hand antisepsis or hand washing.
SN instructed patient on Lobectomy Care. The deep breathing and coughing will decrease your risk for a lung infection
. Take a deep breath and hold it for
as long as you can. Let the air out and then cough strongly. Deep breaths help open your airway. You may be given an
incentive spirometer to help you take deep breaths. Put the plastic piece in your mouth and take a slow, deep breath. Then let the air out and cough. Repeat these steps
10 times every hour.
Instructed patient for the first 4-6 weeks after placement of a new PEG, bath water should not be so deep that the tube is
under the water. Shower water should fall on your back only. For a balloon, low profile, or older PEG tube you can take a
bath or shower as you normally do. Instructed patient call nurse or doctor if your body changes: your skin around tube has signs of infection
: redness, warm to touch, firm to touch , tender.
Instructed patient what are some of the benefits of the care wear PICC line cover. The unique mesh window provides an
innovative way to allow patients and caretakers to view the site and check for infection
and leakage. The innovative designs .
and colors allow for patients to get back to living their lives. Skilled nurse instructed care giver in medication management review and update medication schedule, specially new or changed medications (action side effects, adverse reactions) and complications.
Instructed patient If the PICC gets damaged, it won't work right and could raise your chance of infection
. Call your healthcare team right away if any damage occurs. To protect the PICC at home.
Instructed patient what are the risks of having a Jackson-Pratt drain. The JP drain site may be painful. You may have trouble lying on the side with your JP drain. Your JP drain site may leak. The JP drain may be pulled out by accident. The tubing may get blocked, crack, or break. The tubing may damage your tissue. You may have a scar. The JP drain site may get infected. This infection
could spread inside your body.
SN instructed patient and caregiver that CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) is increasing again and every house hold members need to apply precautions not contact or spread infection
. Wear your mask and use hand sanitizer. People that had vaccination can still contact it if not careful.