wound infection
Instructed patient unlike gauze bandages that merely cover a wound
, V.A.C. therapy actively works to help the wound
healing process. The V.A.C.therapy system helps: promote wound
healing, provide a moist wound
healing environment, draw wound
edges together, remove fluid and infectious materials, reduce wound
odor, reduce the need for daily dressing changes.
SN instructed that symptoms of a lower urinary tract infection
or bladder infection
may include: Frequent need to urinate, burning sensation while urinating pressure in the lower abdomen, pain in the lower back blood in urine. Symptoms of an upper urinary tract infection
or a kidney infection
may include: Fever, chills, nausea and / or vomiting, Pain higher in the back ( around the upper sides and waist ). In women, the symptoms of a urinary tract infection
are similar to those caused by some vaginal infection
Instructed patient when should I call my clinician when on V.A.C. Therapy: immediately report to your clinician if you have any of these symptoms: fever over 102°, diarrhea, headache, sore throat, confusion, sick to your stomach or throwing up, dizziness or feel faint when you stand up, redness around the wound
, skin itches or rash present, wound
is sore, red or swollen, pus or bad smell from the wound
, area in or around wound
feels very warm.
SN instructed that urinary tract infection
generally develops when bacteria enter the urinary tract and begin multiplying. The most common urinary tract infection
s are cystitis, which affects the bladder, and urethritis, which affects the urethra. Urinary tract infection
s are the second most common type of infection
that develop in the body. Symptoms of the infection
include burning or pain during urination, an urge to urinate often, pressure in the lower belly, foul-smelling urine, back pain below the ribs, tiredness or shakiness, fever and urine that looks reddish or cloudy. A urinary tract infection
is more likely to occur in women than men, and it affects people of all ages.
SN instructed that because of a woman's anatomy, all women are at risk of developing a urinary tract infection
. Mayo Clinic notes that the short distance from the urethra to the anus and bladder opening causes this risk. The infection
can also develop when bacteria from the GI tract spreads to the urethra from the anus. Sexually transmitted diseases can also cause urinary tract infection
s. Anyone who suspects a urinary tract infection
is present should seek medical attention, Doctors conduct a urine test to determine if a patient has the infection
, and it is treated with antibiotics.
Instructed patient about vacuum assisted closure ( VAC ) therapy the length of time to heal a wound
is different for every patient. General conditions, size and location of the wound
, and nutritional status can affect the time it takes for a wound
to heal. Your clinician will discuss when and why V.A.C. therapy may begin and end.
SN instructed that a Urinary Tract Infection
or UTI refers to an infection
affecting any component of the urinary system, i.e. the kidneys, ureters, bladder or urethra. UTIs tend to be more common in women than men, with almost all females suffering from them at least once during the course of their lifetime. In uncomplicated cases, UTIs can be treated easily using antibiotics. In complicated cases, especially if the kidneys are affected, longer courses or medication may be required, depending upon the nature of complication. The following is a list of symptoms commonly associated with a Urinary Tract Infection
. Anyone having these should get themselves checked for the same.
Patient educated that there is good and bad bacteria in our body’s and the ABT will kill both which result in the yeast infection
. Yeast infection
is identify by area is likely an area that is moist it is red and has raised pumps. Patient instructed on possible yeast infection
s related to long term use of ABT, in areas that include but is not limited to between legs, under breast, and in between groin. Patient instructed to report any symptoms to MD or SN during visit.
SN instructed that the most commonly experienced symptom across individuals with UTIs is a burning sensation during urination. The passage through which urine passes to be expelled from the body becomes tender due to the infection
; when urine goes through it, the person experiences a painful sensation that mostly doesn’t last post urination. Since in a lot of cases UTIs are not present with signs, if a burning pain is felt during urination, the infection
may be strong, and thus seeking treatment at the earliest is recommended.
SN instructed patient on ways to prevent Urinary tract infection
( UTI ). Cranberry juice contains active compounds that are able to survive the digestive process. In the urinary tract system, these compounds actively work to fight bacteria. Its effectiveness at treating urinary tract infection
s has been proven, and regularly consuming cranberry juice can help prevent them. You don’t have to choose straight cranberry juice, it can be blended with apple juice or even water for taste without losing its effectiveness. Water helps to keep the system flushed out, preventing bacteria from accumulating and causing problems. Cranberry juice or cranberry juice cocktails should be offered on a regular basis and water intake should be tracked daily to ensure the patients are consuming enough water. Never Force yourself and wait - when you need to go the bathroom, your needs should be tended to immediately. Do not, under any circumstances, wait for a long period of time. Holding a full bladder for long periods of time can quickly lead to a urinary tract infection
. Patient / caregiver verbalized understanding.