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Phantom pain Teaching 2015

SN instructed patient that phantom pain is very real but not everyone who has an amputation has phantom pain. The pain may feel like cramping, burning, stabbing or shooting pain. Some things that can make the pain feel worse are being too tired, too much pressure on the amputated arm or leg, changes in the weather, stress and infection.

Alzheimer's disease Teaching 2021

SN instructed on Alzheimer's. Patient shouts at moments; Assessed patient’s ability for thought processing. Observed patient for cognitive functioning, memory changes, disorientation, difficulty with communication, or changes in thinking patterns. Assessed patient’s ability to cope with events, interests in surroundings and activity, motivation, and changes in memory pattern. Instructed caregiver to orient patient to environment as needed, if patient’s short term memory is intact. Using of calendars, radio, newspapers, television and so forth, are also appropriate. Assessed patient for sensory deprivation, concurrent use of CNS drugs, poor nutrition, dehydration, infection, or other concomitant disease processes. Maintain a regular daily schedule routine to prevent problems that may result from thirst, hunger, lack of sleep, or inadequate exercise. Provide positive reinforcement and feedback for positive behaviors. SN instructed family in methods to use with communication with patient: listen carefully, listen to stories even if they’ve heard them many times previously, and to avoid asking questions that the patient may not be able to answer. Divert attention to a client when agitated or dangerous behaviors like getting out of bed by climbing the fence bed. Eliminate or minimize sources of hazards in the environment. Caregiver verbalized fair understanding.

Jackson Pratt drain Teaching 2051

SN instructed patient about the risks of having a Jackson Pratt drain. The JP drain site may be painful. You may have trouble lying on the side with your JP drain. Your JP drain site may leak. The JP drain may be pulled out by accident. The tubing may get blocked, crack, or break. The tubing may damage your tissue. You may have a scar. The JP drain site may get infected. This infection could spread inside your body.

PICC Line Teaching 2240

Instructed patient Call your provider right away if you have any of the following: Pain or burning in your shoulder, chest, back, arm, or leg Fever of 100.4 F (38.0 C) or higher Chills Signs of infection at the catheter site (pain, redness, drainage, burning, or stinging)

Peg Tube Teaching 2279

SN to instruct patient Call your doctor or nurse call line now or seek immediate medical care if: you have new or worse symptoms of a kidney infection. These may include: pain or burning when you urinate, a frequent need to urinate without being able to pass much urine, pain in the flank, which is just below the rib cage and above the waist on either side of the back, blood in the urine.

Colostomy Teaching 2369

Instructed patient caregiver when you should call the doctor: Severe watery discharge lasting more than 5 or 6 hours bad odor lasting more than a week this may be a sign of infection, a cut in the stoma.

Shingles Teaching 2556

SN instructed on the signs and symptoms of herpes zoster also known as Shingles are having a rash or lesion that has appeared. Herpes zoster is sometimes confused with herpes simplex, and, occasionally, with impetigo, contact dermatitis, folliculitis, scabies, insect bites, papular urticaria, candidal infection, dermatitis herpetiformitis, and drug eruptions. Herpes zoster/ shingles are painful, blister like formation on one side of the body following a nerve path.

Edema Teaching 2585

Instructed patient about how help decrease edema and keep it from coming back -Protection. Keep the affected area clean, moisturized and free from injury. Dry, cracked skin is more prone to scrapes, cuts and infection. Always wear protection on your feet if that's where the swelling typically occurs.

Diabetes Teaching 2587

SN instructed patient and caregiver that Diabetes can dry out your skin. That means you could get injured more easily, be more likely to get an infection, and take longer to heal. When you bathe or shower, use warm water, and a mild, moisturizing soap. After washing and drying off, use a mild lotion to prevent dry skin. Avoid scratching dry skin, apply moisturizer instead.