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Rheumatoid arthritis Teaching 1061

Taught that stress, infection and a defective autoimmune system are factors that may increase the risk of developing/exacerbating Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Diabetes Teaching 1226

Instructed on some potential factors of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), such as not using enough insulin or oral diabetes medication, not injecting insulin properly or using expired insulin, not following your diabetes eating plan, being inactive, having an illness or infection and using certain medications, such as steroids.

Teaching 1292

SN explained to patient/caregiver that cellulitis is a common skin infection caused by bacterias. Patient/caregiver verbalized understanding of instructions given.

Diabetes Teaching 1305

Instructed in possible cause of hyperglycemia such as too little insulin, too much or wrong kind of food, infection, injury, illness, decreased activity.

Abdominal Aneurysm Teaching 1352

Instructed the importance of adopting a lifestyle that controls an episode of Abdominal Aneurysm. Taught the patient how to care for the incision and instruct in case of any sign of infection, severe pain in the abdomen providing the name and telephone number of a physician or nurse.

Hypoplastic Teaching 1390

Instruct the patient in the aplastic anemia and its causes. Encouraged the importance to avoiding contact to persons known to have serious infections, trauma, abrasions, and breakdown of the skin which could lead to infection. Encouraged that antibiotics must be taken for the entire period prescribed. Encouraged the need to maintain a well-balanced diet.

Diabetes Teaching 1424

The patient was instructed in diabetes mellitus ketoacidosis discussing blood sugar monitoring, when the test will take place, the technique, the necessary blood sugar range, how to read test results, what to do for abnormal results, the cleaning of equipment. The patient was taught when she or he is sick monitoring is increased to every 4 hours because illness or injury increases glucose demand. The patient was advised to maintain meticulous dental hygiene to prevent infection, wear shoes all the time to prevent foot injury. The patient was advised to monitor for vaginal infections. The patient was instructed the need to carry fast-acting sugar livesavers, sugar packets for treatment of hypoglycemia. The patient was advised to obtain appropriate items, equipment, and assistive devices for various diabetic needs, glucose monitor, medialert bracelet.

Teaching 1432

The patient was instructed in encephalitis and meningitis to swim only in chlorinated water to evade amebic infection. In this case for a patient with bacterial meningitis encourage to inform all friends to be evaluated for recognition and treatment. The patient was advised to prophylactic procedures to prevent bacterial transmission, immunization may be indicated for close contacts.

Endometrial Cancer Uterine Cancer Teaching 1434

The patient was instructed in endometrial cancer uterine cancer the importance of applies pain management techniques. The patient was instructed to care for the incision with general sanitation and daily bathing. The patient was taught in radiation therapy the need to prevent infection by evading large multitudes and persons with upper respiratory infections. The patient was advised in skin care including maintenance of colorant markings and the need to evade use of soap and other ointments. The patient was taught the importance of oral hygiene; elude tight or constricting clothing around the radiation site.

Hemolytic Anemia Teaching 1454

The patient was instructed in hemolytic anemia the need to evade aspects that quick hemolytic emergency like infection, trauma, chemicals, and toxic drug reactions. The patient was advised the need for a well-balanced diet that is rich in iron and protein. The patient was reviewed to evade fatty foods. The patient was recommended to maintain hydration position.