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Wound Care Teaching 1274

SN instructed patient on s/s of infected wound susch as: Thick green or yellow drainage, Foul odor, Redness or warmth around wound, Tenderness of surrounding area, and Swelling.

Wound Care Teaching 2107

SN teaching the patient / caregiver on S / S ( signs / symptoms) of wound infection to report to physician, such as increased temp >100.5, chills, increase in drainage, foul odor, redness, or unrelieved pain.

Wound Care Teaching 1275

SN instructed patient to eat a balanced diet and drink fluids, increase protein and take vitamins to promote wound healing.

Wound Care Teaching 1276

SN advised patient to take temperature once a day before bedtime, check for bleeding, pus, hardness, swelling, odor and any color change. If any of these are present, please let your nurse or doctor know as soon as possible. Patient verbalized understanding of instructions given.