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VAC Teaching 1700

Instructed caregiver in vacuum assisted closure (VAC) that is a type of therapy to help wounds heal. The process heal open wound through the application of negative pressure. Another benefits of the negative pressure wound therapy are draining excess fluid from the wound, keeping your wound moist and warm, helping draw together wound edges and increasing blood flow to your wound. Caregiver verbalized understanding.

VAC Teaching 1835

Instructed patient abour the V.A.C. therapy System is an Advanced Wound Therapy System consisting of a V.A.C. Therapy unit that delivers negative pressure and a sterile plastic tubing with SensaT.R.A.C, pressure sensing lumens that connect the therapy unit to the dressing Special foam dressings. KCI recommends the V.A.C. Dressings be changed every 48 to 72 hours, but no less than 3 times per week. Patient has the ability to move around depending on the condition, the wound location and type of therapy unit prescribed. The V.A.C. Therapy System may be disconnected so you can take a shower. Therapy may not be off any longer than two hours per day.

VAC Teaching 1651

Instructed patient about vacuum assisted closure ( VAC ) therapy as it promotes wound healing through negative pressure wound therapy.

VAC Teaching 1725

Instructed caregiver vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) therapy is intended to manage the environment of surgical incisions that continue to drain following sutured or stapled closure by maintaining a closed environment and removing exudates via the application of negative pressure wound therapy

VAC Teaching 1824

Instructed patient training for patients and their caregivers who 
will be using the device at home should include how to: Recognize signs and symptoms of complications, such as redness, 
warmth, and pain associated with possible infection Contact appropriate healthcare providers, especially in emergency 
situations, respond to emergency situations; for instance, if bright red blood is seen in the tubing or canister, to immediately stop NPWT, apply direct manual pressure to the dressing, and activate emergency medical services.