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Joint damaged Teaching 2187

SN instructed that the joint that is damaged by injury or disease can be removed and replaced with a new one. There are times when only a part of the joint needs to be replaced or repaired. Your healthcare provider may try other treatments before joint replacement surgery, such as steroid injections or medicines. Pain relief and increased function are the goals of joint replacement. Knee, hip, and shoulder joints are the most common joints replaced. Joints in your elbows, fingers, and ankles can also be repaired or replaced. Your risk of infection, bleeding, and blood clots increase with surgery. You may be allergic to the material used in your new joint. Nerves, muscles, tendons, and blood vessels near your joint may become damaged during surgery. The new joint may loosen or come out of the socket. Sn instructed patient on symptoms / signs ( S/S ) of infection such as fever, drainage, swelling, redness. Patient recalls back partial teaching of redness. Patient instructed to report any symptoms should they occur to physician / nurse ( MD / SN ).