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Constipation Teaching 2468

SN instructed that infrequent passage of hard, dry stool, low back pain, abdominal fullness and/or abdominal discomfort, decreased appetite, nausea and/or vomiting, and rectal pressure may constitute as signs/symptoms of constipation. Patient verbalized understanding.

Constipation Teaching 2470

SN instructed patient and caregiver on some measures aimed to controlling/managing constipation, such as: establish regular times for evacuations usually after a meal and drink a warm liquid one-half hour before breakfast to stimulate bowel movement, avoid laxative and enema abuse. Instructed on some potential complications of constipation, such as: stool impaction bowel blockage, liquid bowel movement may ooze around hard stool in the colon, pain, valsalva maneuver may be caused by straining, causing a slowed pulse, decreased blood return and increased venous pressure, rectal bleeding and rectal pain.