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Colostomy care Teaching 2195

Ostomy care It is not necessary to use soap to clean around your stoma. But if you prefer to use soap, use a very mild soap. Avoid using soaps and cleansers with oils, per - fumes, or deodorants since these can sometimes cause skin problems or keep your skin barrier from sticking.

Colostomy care Teaching 2196

Ostomy care Rinse the soap off the skin around your stoma very well because the residue may keep your skin barrier from sticking and may also cause skin irritation.

Colostomy care Teaching 2197

Colostomy care Instructed patient caregiver If there are no problems, wipe around the stoma with the skin wipes. If the skin is a little wet,
 sprinkle some stoma powder on the wet area. Let the area air dry for a few minutes.

Colostomy care Teaching 2198

Colostomy Care Instructed patient caregiver check the stoma and skin around the stoma to make sure there are no problems.

Colostomy care Teaching 2199

Colostomy care Instructed patient caregiver put your soiled pouching system into a plastic bag and throw it away in your household
 garbage. It is recommended to empty your pouch into the toilet first.

Colostomy care Teaching 2200

Ostomy care instructed patient unless recommended, do not apply powders or creams to the skin around your 
stoma because they can keep your skin barrier from sticking.

Colostomy care Teaching 2201

Ostomy care Instructed patient Always dry your skin well before putting on your new pouching system.

Colostomy care Teaching 2202

Ostomy care Instructed patient If you are using paste, it may be easier to remove the paste before you wet the area. Some people may 
use adhesive remover. Do not worry if a little bit of paste is left on your skin.