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Bone Marrow Teaching 1381

The patient was instructed in bone marrow suppression that will be more susceptible to infection, bleeding, and anemia. The patient was encouraged in the prevention of the infection by eating healthy meals, keep mouth, teeth and gums clean, avoid people who are sick. The patient was encouraged in the prevention of the bleeding avoiding physical activities that could cause injuries. The patient was encouraged in the prevention in the anemia by eating a high-protein diet, and multivitamin supplement with minerals.

Bone Marrow Teaching 2354

SN educated patient about Neutropenia. Neutropenia is an abnormally low count of neutrophils, which is a type of white blood cell. Neutrophils are made in the bone marrow, so anything that inhibits or disrupts that process can result in neutropenia. Instructed patient to prevent infection; Promote oral care, Promote hygiene, Prevent skin breakdown, Promote nutrition and ensure food is prepared and stored appropriately. Educated on signs and symptoms of infection; which include fever, Red, swollen, warm, or painful skin areas or wounds, An area of orange, bumpy skin with blisters, Cough, chest pain, or trouble breathing, Burning feeling while you urinate. Patient verbalized understanding.