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Bedbound Teaching 1566

Instructed caregiver how to prevent Pressure Ulcers for Bed bound patients: Protect the Skin 
 patient from injury - Avoid massaging the skin on bony parts of the patient body. Limit pressure
 on bony areas by changing positions frequently. If the patient in a bed, preferably every 2 hours.

Bedbound Teaching 1565

Instructed caregiver how to prevent Pressure Ulcers for Bed bound patients: Take care of the Skin
Inspect the skin at least once every day. Pay attention to any red areas that remain even after 
changing position.

Bedbound Teaching 2552

Sn educated caregiver on Hoyer Lift, when a patient is in a bed, roll them on their side toward you. Roll patient away from you onto their other side and pull sling flat and center it under patient. Position arm of hoyer lift over patient. Attach hooks and adjust links to provide proper position and flex. Before attempting to raise the patient, check to make sure that the hydraulic pressure release knob located near the pump handle is completely closed. Understanding was verbalized.