
PICC Line Teaching 2235

Instructed patient what are some of the benefits of the care wear PICC line cover. The unique mesh window provides an innovative way to allow patients and caretakers to view the site and check for infection and leakage. The innovative designs . and colors allow for patients to get back to living their lives. Skilled nurse instructed care giver in medication management review and update medication schedule, specially new or changed medications (action side effects, adverse reactions) and complications.

Peg Tube Teaching 2234

Instructed patient for the first 4-6 weeks after placement of a new PEG, bath water should not be so deep that the tube is 
under the water. Shower water should fall on your back only. For a balloon, low profile, or older PEG tube you can take a 
bath or shower as you normally do. Instructed patient call nurse or doctor if your body changes: your skin around tube has signs of infection: redness, warm to touch, firm to touch , tender.

Peg Tube Teaching 2233

instructed patient call nurse or doctor if your body changes: Nausea or vomiting that does not go away, constipation with no bowel movement for 3 days. Diarrhea of more than 6 loose stools a day, stomach becomes bloated or swollen and tight, a stomach residual more than the amount your doctor has set for you.

Wound Care Teaching 2107

SN teaching the patient / caregiver on S / S ( signs / symptoms) of wound infection to report to physician, such as increased temp >100.5, chills, increase in drainage, foul odor, redness, or unrelieved pain.

Tracheostomy Teaching 1856

Instructed patient be careful not to touch the trach cannula while changing the tube. You do not want to contaminate the cannula. Other times to suction include before eating, or before and after sleeping. Be aware that every sound you hear does not mean they need to be suctioned.

General information Teaching 2113

SN instructed patient / caregiver on service authorization, advance directives, rights and responsibilities, rights of the elderly and obtained necessary signatures. Instructed patient / caregiver on 24 hour nurse availability and provided / posted the agency telephone number. Also instructed that after hours, weekends and holidays an answering service will reach the nurse and he / she will return the patient / caregiver call and answer any questions or make a visit if needed. Patient and caregiver stated understanding. Patient and caregiver educated on diabetic diet, diabetic foot care, symptoms / signs ( s / s ) of depression, managing pain with medications, healthy skin, and pressure ulcer prevention. Leaflets left in home.

Tracheostomy Teaching 1858

Instructed patient in emergency care These pages will cover prevention of an emergency situation, and what to do if: Your loved one has trouble breathing or stops breathing You cannot insert a trach tube The trach falls out.

Joint pain Teaching 2124

Sn explain that the joint pain can affect one or more joints. The joint pain can be caused by many types of injuries or conditions. It may be linked to arthritis, bursitis, and muscle pain. No matter what causes it, this can be very bothersome. Some things that can cause joint pain are: Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus Bursitis Chondromalacia patellae Crystals in the joint: Gout ( especially found in the big toe ) and Calcium pyrophosphate deposition (CPPD ) ( pseudo gout ) Infections caused by a virusInjury, such as a fracture Osteoarthritis Osteomyelitis ( bone infection ), Septic arthritis ( joint infection ) Tendinitis Unusual exertion or overuse, including strains or sprains.

Colostomy Teaching 1885

SN instructed patient instructed patient caregiver how to do Ostomy Care, as follow: Preparing, Applying, and Removing an Ostomy System to make the process easier and more effective, here are several easy steps you and your patients can follow when applying and removing an ostomy system: Remove Use an Adhesive Remover Wipe, Clean Clean & Dry Clean peristomal skin with non-moisturizing or non-oily soap, rinse well with clean water and pat dry, Measure Measure Stoma Place the stoma measuring guide over the stoma, measuring the stoma at the base., Protect use an Adhesive Remover Wipe, Apply New Pouching System/Skin Barrier. Make sure to have a good seal around the stoma.

Confused person Teaching 2151

SN instructed caregiver that a confused person should not be left alone. To help a confused person: always introduce yourself, no matter how well the person once knew you, often remind the person of his or her location, place a calendar and clock near the person, talk about current events and plans for the day, try to keep the surroundings calm, quiet, and peaceful.