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Teachings for Nurses & Patients

Diabetes Teaching 15

Instructed in storage and disposal of equipment: check expiration date, keep spare bottle in refrigerator, do not change brand, match syringe type.

Atenolol Teaching 89

Instructed in new medication Atenolol to manage hypertension. In addition, warned of possible S/E such as fatigue, lethargy, vertigo, drowsiness, dizziness, fever, bradycardia, hypotension, heart failure, intermittent claudication, nausea, diarrhea, thrombocytopenia, hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia, increased risk of developing type-two diabetes, dyspnea, bronchospasm, rash and leg pain. Instructed to take drug exactly as prescribed at the same time every day. Do not stop drug suddenly but do call prescriber if unpleasant adverse reactions occur. If pulse rate is below 60 beats/minute, stop taking drug and call prescriber. Women: notify prescriber if pregnancy occurs. Drug usage might be discontinued.

General teaching Teaching 209

Instructed in the importance of addressing Advance Directives to ensure compliance with client's wishes and medical needs.

Angina pectoris Teaching 1107

Taught that high blood pressure may constitute as a precipitating factor of Angina Pectoris.

Osteoarthritis Teaching 1177

Instructed on some measures aimed to preventing/controlling Osteoarthritis, such as: exercise daily at a slow, steady pace, using range of motion.

Ruptured Disk Teaching 1513

The patient was instructed in ruptured disk in the use and request of the back brace, support, or belt. The patient was advised in the need for complete bed rest to reduction inflammatory answers and to reduce stress in the spine. The patient was advised to use a urinal, bedpan, or bedside commode during the period of bed rest to evade walking.

Wound Care Teaching 1810

Instructed caregiver the key to successful wound healing is regular podiatric medical care to ensure the following “gold standard” of care: Lowering blood sugar, appropriate debridement of wounds, treating any infection, reducing friction and pressure, restoring adequate blood flow.

Urostomy Teaching 1831

Skilled nurse flush blader catheter and performed urostomy care was done. Instructed patient When should I contact your caregiver? You have a fever, You have blood in your urine, and your urine has a strong odor, your incision wound or stoma is red or swollen, or you have a rash.

Tracheostomy Teaching 1853

Instructed patient as much as possible, the skin should be kept clean and dry. You may need to clean the skin around the trach tube several times throughout the day. Call your doctor if you notice thick secretions that are yellow or green in color.

Actos Teaching 2063

SN instructed patient / caregiver that Actos is an antidiabetic med that is used to lower blood sugar. SN explained that it is important to not take medication when blood sugar is low. SN instructed to patient / caregiver to check blood sugar level before taking the medication to avoid hypoglycemia. SN instructed that side effects of the medication include: SOB, swelling or rapid weight gain, chest pain, N / V, jaundice, blurred vision, pale skin, easy bruising. SN instructed patient / caregiver to inform physician if experiencing any of these side effect.